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Wooden Boat Show in Grand Marais MN

17 Jun

Join in Grand Marais this weekend (June 17-19) for the North House Folk School Wooden Boat Show and Summer Solstice Festival! If the idea of looking at rare and unusual wooden canoes and boats on the shores of Lake Superior is not enough to entice you, here are a few pictures, the show is […] has a new Home Page

16 Jun

If you’ve visited in the past few days, you’ve seen our new home page! We’re committed to bringing you new stories, trip logs, places to paddle, canoe reviews, the best gear, and the most knowledgeable resources for paddlers young and old. Explore the new home page and let us know what you think!

Paddle the Tip of the Mitt

28 Mar

Paddle from Oscoda to Manistee, MI in Canoes, Kayaks, Voyageur Canoes and Small Sail Boats, and help support the Verlen Kruger Memorial and the Benzie Food Partners food bank. When: Saturday June 18 – 26… Read More >

Canadian Canoe Museum Mourns Loss of Kirk Wipper, Founder

21 Mar

The Canadian Canoe Museum announces the death of its Founder, Kirk A. W. Wipper, C.M. Wipper, 87, died Friday, March 18th…

Canoeing the Arctic – Follow the Expedition

12 Jul

Two paddlers, one canoe, 910 miles of Arctic tundra. Follow adventurers Rob Kesselring and Pete Lenmark in real-time as they traverse North America’s last frontier. The trip began with a bush plane flight to Nonacho Lake in the Northwest Territories. Rob has a canoe stashed on this remote lake 160 miles from the nearest road. From there, things […]

More to come…

16 Jun

We’re currently filling out this section, check back soon for more info, or Contact Us if you’d like to suggest a link.

Book Review: All Things are Possible

12 Nov

If you’ve recently decided to become the greatest canoe-tripper of all time, to cross continents, to brave coasts, to risk friendships and family to reach your goal … spare yourself. It’s been done already and it’s unlikely to ever be outdone. Don’t believe us? Just pick up a copy of Phil Peterson Sr.’s All Things […]

Book Review: This Water Goes North

28 Aug

Three days into a 1979 canoe trip intended to take Dennis Weidemann and three companions from western Minnesota to York Factory on Hudson’s Bay, disaster struck. Rounding a bend on the Otter Tail River, Weidemann and his bowman were face-to-face with a fallen tree straining the cold, fast water for three-quarters of the river’s width. […]