Canoeing from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean

8 Sep


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They paddled 5,200 miles, over 244 days, from their launch in Buras, Louisiana to Nunavut on the Arctic Ocean. Six adventurers set out to paddle North America, experience the continent from the perspective of the canoe, and record their observations. They experienced inevitable weather and ice delays, as well as the amazing generosity of many people met along the way.

Check out the Rediscovering North America Expedition blog >

“Seasoned paddlers and weekend warriors alike will probably notice that this trip borrows from a number of well-traveled and beloved routes through the U.S. and Canada. Eric Sevareid’s Canoeing with the Cree, the Borealis Expedition in 2008, and numerous myccr message boards (among many others) can claim some ownership, no doubt. Like the Trans-Territory Expedition in 2012, we’re just a bunch of borrowers who like to connect the dots and see what kind of adventure we can come up with.” Check out their route here >

See their features on Canoe&Kayak here >


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