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Book Review: Measuring Mother Earth

14 Jan

Paddlers drawn down the great rivers of the Canadian tundra – the Kazan, the Dubawnt, the Thelon – often find themselves crossing the path of one Joseph Burr Tyrrell. Tyrrell, a geologist with the Geological Survey of Canada, was the first Euro-Canadian to descend the Dubawnt (in 1893) and the Kazan (as far as Yathkyed […]

Book Review: Canoeing & Kayaking in Florida

11 Dec

We’ve had a cold and snowy start to the winter in and around the offices here in Minnesota. We’re not complaining; we like all the seasons. Still, it was a welcome surprise when the book Canoeing & Kayaking Florida (Menasha Ridge Press, $17.95) arrived in our mail. The cover shots of liquid water and […]

Paddling South: For Readers, A Nice Trip

1 Nov

  Rick Ranson’s Paddling South: Winnipeg to New Orleans by Canoe (NeWest Press $16.95) is an enjoyable little book about a unique canoe trip. Two recent high school grads set out for an epic trip back in 1969 with lots of pluck, minimal prep, and a too-small 16-foot fiber-glass canoe. Their paddle up the Red […]